last day, when 1was in my house, 1 always felt booring co2 1 never played together with my friends. in house, 1 seldom went outside, 1 always played with my young brother.

every day, 1 always swept my house,        ‘                             washed pleate and my young brother always helped me althought he played water, we took bath together. after that, we washed television, play the game etc, while ate and sometime we slept.

every night, my family always read alqur’an to my grandfather who had passed away, we always miss him co2 he is of the funny people and we loved him very much. moment 1 didn’t came back 1 only heard from my        ‘                             young brother who called on one day. so, 1 never looked at him until now.

1 went to al hikmah, 1 went to market with my mother, we bought some boording equipnet and 1 felt happy. co2, 1 cant could go to market.

Published by dloen

Aku Fadlun, Anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara, kelahiran Indramayu, 19 Juni 1992. punya cita- cita dan mimpi menjadi orang hebat. menempuh pendidikan kuliyah di UIN Walisongo Semarang, besar harapan bisa mengubah perekonomian keluarganya di masa depan.

One reply on “MY HOLIDAY”

  1. In case you mssied it, here are a few photos of the event from Cindy & Saylor Photographers. To see more event photos, check out the Hitched Events blog.

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