Ma alhikmah is my school, 1        ‘                                                           m studying here, this school is large and here not only one school, but five schools: ma, sma, smp, mts, smp, mualimin dan mualimat. And in here there five spesifikation for ma alhikmah, for example english department, computer, welding, fisher, and clothes department, here in this school there laboratorium and small library.

The ktsp corriculum is same with corriculum the other. Impotantly, we only know about the change of it, we are just a student. So, his impossible for us to chang the government program about corriculum. Now, 1        ‘                                                           m sure, the government will make make the good programe for us.

Where        ‘                                                         ‘                                                 ? In this place we try to asimilate with gerroundings and with another people. So, if we get problem we can ask help with them.. in ma alhikmah 02, 1 feel so        ‘                                                 .happy and pround of it, co2 this programe in ma is vry good and this school very famous to in central java.

Published by dloen

Aku Fadlun, Anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara, kelahiran Indramayu, 19 Juni 1992. punya cita- cita dan mimpi menjadi orang hebat. menempuh pendidikan kuliyah di UIN Walisongo Semarang, besar harapan bisa mengubah perekonomian keluarganya di masa depan.

2 replies on “MAY BE, ABOUT MA ALHIKMAH 02”

  1. I`m sorry,dlun.I just wanna correct some mistake in your writing.Don`t be angry,key?I`m as your friend,just wanna remind you. not only:here is not only,then you can continue with ‘but also’
    2.there five spesification:there are five spesifications
    3.curriculum the other:the other curriculum
    5.we`re just a student:we`re just students
    6.his impossible for us to chang:it`s impossible for us to change
    7.pround of it:proud of it,it`s better you say ‘i`m proud to be malhik student’
    8.This school very famous to in:this school is very famous in
    If you find mistake from my correction,please,you can remind me,key?

  2. duh….,cosin nich….heheeee….but ga papa dih Q malah senen ko sekarang kan ana jadi tau mana kesalahan yang harus ana perbaiki. sekali lagi thank ya ukh….???

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